Over the years, I have volunteered at various homeless family shelters. This volunteer time is what inspired me to write A New Friend.

It’s easier than you think for a family to become temporarily homeless. In my experience, homeless families are rarely lazy. Often it’s because families do not seek help until it’s too late and they have lost their home. I have heard it said that most families are three to four paychecks away from being homeless.

Being homeless is hard on the whole family, but I feel that it is hardest on the children. During my time volunteering, I would look for ways to help the kids forget about their situation for a short time.

I have to stop and give a big shout out to Dollywood and especially to Ken Bell and my great friend, Judy Ward. They would arrange for me to bring the kids from the shelter to Dollywood each Christmas. The kids would have such a good time!

Homelessness is a problem that exists everywhere and will, unfortunately, never go away. I think that it is a good idea to let children help at a food bank or gather old sleeping bags or coats to give to the homeless. Being aware of the problem and understanding how they can help will instill compassion that will last a lifetime.

Diana, Constant Crusader

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