Michael, Michael, Michael is very dear to my heart. The grandson of Carol, my best friend for over 40 years, is autistic. I have always been amazed by what a supportive family they have. Not only does this child have terrific patient parents and doting siblings, but he has wonderful cousins, aunts, uncles, and family friends. He also has, of course, the world’s best grandma, Carol!

The interaction of the siblings and cousins with the autistic child is what inspired me to write Michael, Michael, Michael. The story is from the point of view of Michael’s sister. While an autistic child requires additional attention from all those around, we sometimes forget the impact that the situation may have on those others children, especially siblings. My hope is that this story will help both kids to look for the things that they share with their autistic family member as well as help parents to take a step back to occasionally view the scene from the other child’s point of view.

Diana, Best Friend for 40 Years

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