As you have most likely guessed by now, my stories are most often based on children or events that I have experienced in my life. Never Too Little was conceived while I was standing in line years ago to get tested for bone marrow.

A little girl in Knoxville, Tennessee needed a bone marrow transplant. Hundreds of people came to be tested.

I was not a match for this little girl. However, months later, I was contacted by the bone marrow registry. They asked if I would be willing to donate to someone. Of course, I said yes.

I honestly had mixed feelings about the donation. I knew that there would be pain involved. Also, my employer at that time did not pay for time off for donating bone marrow plus my children were involved in lots of activities so therefore, I would need to find someone that could help with that. Mixed feelings or not, though, I was going to donate.

I was making the necessary arrangements to be off work and to have someone to help with my children after the donation when I got a call. They had found a closer match for this person.

Again, I experienced mixed feelings. I was excited that they found a better match, which would help to ensure it was successful. I was glad that I did not have to be the one to donate, though, due to the time off from work, the involved pain, and the somewhat hassle it would have been for my children with all their activities. However, at the same time, I was strongly sad about not being the one to donate. How often do we get an opportunity to give the gift of life to someone that is ill and suffering?

Diana, Forever a Caregiver

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